Miss Goodbody

Summer 1 – Where in the World? 

Labeled World Practice Map - Etsy UK


This Half Term – PE will be on a Wednesday afternoon with Mrs Hovell – Striking and Fielding and on a Thursday afternoon with Miss Goodbody – Net and Wall.  


Our topic this half term is “Where in the World?”. This will be a geography-based topic with a specific focus on using geographical vocabulary to describe where countries are in relation to the UK. Elm class will be able to understand the differences between climates, explaining weather changes within seasons and understanding the main features of a hot and cold place. Elm class will explore and be able to describe the extremes of weather when close to the Equator and also at the North and South Poles. Elm will build on their geographical skills by asking questions about the weather and answering questions about countries using resources. Elm will also be able to locate non-European countries and what they like/dislike about the locality.

In Maths, this half term we will be starting with Measurement (length, height) including centimetres and metres and being able to compare and order different heights and lengths, followed by mass, capacity and temperature and then finishing the half term by looking at fractions such as; unit and non-unit, finding a whole, half, quarter and a third.


In Art, Elm class will be learning the skill of printing using the rubbing technique, making secondary colours and different brush sizes to paint a picture using a stimulus and printing onto fabric to appeal to others.


In DT, Elm will be learning skills of how to be hygienic and safe in the kitchen, the different ways to cut food (chop and grate) and to follow a recipe to create a meal from another country.


In Science, Elm will be learning about plants, how to identify them using a specific criterion, testing what happens to seeds when a variable is changed (no water, no light etc), understanding the life cycle of a seed and using this to help them understand the process when growing their own seed.


RSHE will be looking at where food comes from using Food; a fact of life and also how to be safe in the sun.


World View Studies will be looking at how Christians belong to their faith family and looking at symbols/artefacts of the Christian religion.


Homework will be set on a Friday to be collected on the following Friday.  Maths and English is highlighted on the homework grid by a star and needs to be completed by all children. The homework grid also offers optional tasks for the children to complete that will support our topic learning.


Spelling homework is now on Spelling Shed and this is also listed on the Homework Grid.